It is kind of apparent at this point that we have themed our
Asheville Bed & Breakfast around the change of seasons. When we originally purchased this Inn there was not much in the way of art or paintings. What was left behind did not fit into our plan. We operated many months with barren walls. Needless to say, we were anxious for some art and paintings, but did not want to rush out and just buy anything. We did not know what we were looking for, we just knew we would know it when we saw it. Well, that day finally came last August when TAG's father sent us an email of several different paintings. All were done by the hand of Grammie, who did not start painting until well into her 60's. Aunt Cathy tells us that is around the time she learned to drive too. Just goes to show you, it's never too late...As we viewed the paintings, it struck us as ironic that she was apparently inspired by the seasons. It seems that Winter was her favorite, as there were several more of those. How appropriate! We were honored and accepted the paintings. We anxiously waited for their arrival and promptly hung them in all the appropriate places. Who would have can be very interesting, can't it?
Grammie and Pop Pop both passed at the age of 91, just five months apart. They had a long and wonderful life together. They were married for an impressive 68 years! We are so very proud to display Grammie's paintings and be able to share them with all of you. We do hope when you come to
Asheville Seasons Bed & Breakfast, you appreciate them as much as we do. We thank TAG's father, aunt, and uncle for gifting these to us. We will treasure them always. Following is a picture of Grammie and Pop Pop at their 66th anniversary dinner party and photos of her paintings. As you will see, Pop Pop was a rascal at his ripe ol' age and Grammie doesn't seem to mind!!!

Got to love their spirit!
Grammie: Dec. 11, 1915-Dec. 24, 2006
Pop Pop: Aug. 9, 1915-May 25, 2007

Apparently TAG has a few hidden talents of his own. TAG's mom gave this painting (below)to us after we were given Grammie's paintings. TAG painted it a little over 20 years ago...who must run in the family...