Having a Bed & Breakfast gives you the opportunity to meet some really special people and be a part of their celebrations in life; even if only in an indirect way…
Last week we had such an opportunity. We had a young couple that spent 3 days in Asheville and stayed with us here at Asheville Seasons Bed & Breakfast. Interestingly enough, 3 years ago Jun 14 was their first date…3 years later almost to the day SHE SAID YES!!
We are very excited for Kurt and Lauren and wish them all the best with this new chapter in their life.
The celebrations did not stop there…
A few days later we all raised a glass of champagne to Caroline and Jeff in celebration of 30 FABULOUS YEARS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! June 17 marked a successful 30 years of marriage and being in love. How fantastic!
We are very happy indeed and proud that we got a glimpse into the lives of these wonderful people. Our best to them and here is to many more years of celebration!!